Three Dashboards
For Different Asset Types
Models Outputs
Value Appreciation Prediction Tier
A standardized score to each Tract/area. Reflects the probability to achieve higher market-neutral returns relatively to other Tracts/areas.
Risk Tier
Estimates the average deviations of actual returns from the predicted value.
Also indicates the User’s risk appetite. As the User’s risk appetite is higher, the required returns are higher, which inherently come with increased risk.

Our Product vs. Competitors’
By Risespot models, promising areas are best differentiated. Risespot Dashboards map out the promising Tracts, based on features predicting growth, like: socio economic features, upcoming transportation projects, upcoming local investments, climate risk, Corporate tax level, life quality and other features attracting proficient professionals.
Risespot Dashboards are the investor’s compass to the areas he should focus in for maximum returns.

Does It Work?
Data and Risespot models validation

Risespot’s models have demonstrated a superior distinction between ‘favorable’ and ‘unfavorable’ areas, resulting in substantial annual returns that outperform the market.

Investment Strategy
By Risespot models, promising areas are best differentiated. Risespot Dashboards map out the promising Tracts, based on features predicting growth, like: socio economic features, upcoming transportation projects, upcoming local investments, climate risk, Corporate tax level, life quality and other features attracting proficient professionals.
Either used as a starting point or as part of reviewing deal flow, Risespot Dashboards are the investor’s compass to the promising areas for maximum returns.
